How Does the Culture of the Teacher?

    How Does the Culture of the Teacher?
    Shape the Classroom Experience of
    Latino Students?: The Unexammecl
    Question in Crit mil Peclagogy
    inluniri llunlcr
    Much has been written during the last three decades regarding the conditions
    that Latino students face in public schools. A variety of studies have explored
    issues related to culture, cognition. learning styles, language differences, bi-
    cultural development, multicultural curriculum, “and various educational ap-
    proaches and their impact upon these students. But despite all the talk about
    cultural differences and the need to develop educational strategies that will ensure
    the educational achievement of Latino students, no research has specifically
    examined the manner in which the teacher’s culture might impact the academic
    development and social empowennent of students in the Latino community.
    The question of the teacher’s culture is a particularly salient one, given the
    current rapid shifts in demographics sweeping this country. School districts in
    all major urban centers in the United States are experiencing dramatic changes
    in the cultural composition of their student populations. As a consequence.
    students of color now constitute the majority population in twenty~thtee of the
    nati.on’s twenty-five largest school districts. Despite this reality, the majority of
    the teachers in these school districts are still white (Gay, I989).
    Even more disturbing are studies that show a decline in the number of teachers
    of color entering the field. In a report entitled Education That Works: An Action
    Plan for the Education of Minorities (1990) prepared by the Quality Education
    for Minorities Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,


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