How do you find the square root of 50?

    ##sqrt(50)## can be simplified as ##5sqrt(2)##

    We can also find rational approximations to it.

    For example:

    ##sqrt(50) ~~ 7 14/197 ~~ 7.071066##

    The of ##50## is not a whole number, or even a rational number. It is an irrational number, but you can simplify it or find rational approximations for it.

    First note that

    ##50 = 2 xx 5 xx 5##

    contains a square factor ##5^2##. We can use this to simplify the square root:

    ##sqrt(50) = sqrt(5^2*2) = sqrt(5^2)*sqrt(2) = 5 sqrt(2)##

    Apart from simplifying it algebraically, what is its numerical value?

    Note that ##7^2 = 49##, so ##sqrt(49) = 7## and ##sqrt(50)## will be slightly larger than ##7##.

    In fact, since ##50=7^2+1##, the square root of ##50## is expressible as a very regular continued fraction:

    ##sqrt(50) = 7+1/(14+1/(14+1/(14+1/(14+1/(14+1/(14+…))))))##

    This can be written as ##sqrt(50) = [7;bar(14)]## where the bar over the ##14## indicates the repeating part of the continued fraction.

    We can terminate the continued fraction early to give us rational approximations for ##sqrt(50)##.

    For example:

    ##sqrt(50) ~~ [7;14] = 7+1/14 = 7.0bar(714285)##

    ##sqrt(50) ~~ [7;14,14] = 7+1/(14+1/14) = 7+14/197 ~~ 7.071066##

    In fact:

    ##sqrt(50) ~~ 7.071067811865475244##

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