How do you find all the factors of 44?

    Find factor pairs.
    ##F_44= {1 2 4 11 22 44}##
    A factor is a number which divides into a bigger number without leaving a remainder. A number is always a factor of itself.
    Factors are always in pairs. Dividing by one factor will give you the other.
    To find all the factors of a number start from 1 and consider all the possible factors up to the of the number.
    (The square root lies in the middle of the factors arranged in order.)
    ##sqrt44 = 6. ….## The only numbers we need to consider are
    ##1 2 3 4 5 6##
    ##1## is a factor: The factor pair is ##color(blue)(1 xx44)##
    ##2## is a factor: The factor pair is ##color(blue)(2xx22)##
    ##3## is not a factor of 44
    ##4## is a factor: The factor pair is ##color(blue)(4xx11)##
    ##5## is not a factor of 44
    ##6## is not a factor of 44
    The factors of 44 are therefore:
    ##color(blue)(1 2 4 11 22 44)##
    Note that:
    1 and the number itself are always factors of any number
    Using a factor tree or prime factors in this case would not help because they do not indicate all the possible combinations of the prime factors.

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