How different type of lights attract copepods movement

    Hi I had an experiment of how different color of lights attract copepods

    I used different type of coloerd filters to change the color of the light and checked which colored light attract copepods the most and least

    I made an line in the middle of the case and lighted form the side to see how many copeleods were attracted to one size
    I had 5 sets for each color and waited 1 minutes for each color so copepods can move after that I counted one by one

    I would like you to write

    -Conclusion and Evaluation
    -Data and analysis( with graph or data)
    -explanation of independent variable and dependent variable in the lab
    Please label each so I can understand which is which
    Please write it based on the data

    Number of copepods attracted to the lights
    Red 89, 84, 91, 84, 84. 86.4
    Green 84, 89, 87, 78, 89. 85.4
    Orange 103, 88, 103, 98, 86. 95.6
    Blue 74, 73 48, 57, 81. 66.6
    Dark blue 76, 67, 48, 45, 65. 60.2
    Yellow 68, 83, 95, 99, 93. 8

    Please provide one strong and simple conclusion first in the conclusion and evaluation section

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