How did Theodore Roosevelt’s ideologies, as well as his domestic and foreign and policies

    Complete essays which will demonstrate a proficient mastery of course materials which they are -Susan Strasser, Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash
    -David Howard-Pitney, ed., Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights
    Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s: A Brief History with Documents
    -James A. Henretta, et al., America: A Concise History, Volume 2: Since 1865 (Optional)
    *NOTE: Any edition will do, but syllabus is based on 6th ed.
    -Various assigned articles available online. Relevant time scope possible (for this: 1865 to 1929).
    I need two pages essay for each one of the following, but you can choose any four.
    1. How did Theodore Roosevelt’s ideologies, as well as his domestic and foreign and policies,
    help define the United States at home and its place in the world? How did his legacy carry out
    even after he wasn’t president?
    2. What is American exceptionalism and what contributed to its rise between 1870 and 1929?
    3. How did consumption shape American identities and behaviors between 1870 and 1929? How
    did people choose to spend their time and money? Analyze the significance of these choices.
    4. How did race and ethnic relations shape social, political, economic, and legal relations between
    1870 and 1929?
    5. How did WWI change the United States? Why did it enter The Great War? What were the
    short-term and long-term social, economic, political, and diplomatic implications of its
    entanglement in the war?

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