How can school library advocates help students benefit from a good school library program?

    How can school library advocates help students benefit from a good school library program?

    Paper instructions:
    It is Professor Biagini’s summary that is of specific note for the final project. She raises several key questions relevant to school library media services in any state, and provides a summary of new date in response to those questions. Many other states have conducted similar surveys, but this one from Pennsylvania is the most recent, most detailed, and holds important information especially for those of you who may seek to serve as a school librarian in Pennsylvania.

    How can school library advocates help students benefit from a good school library program?

    This is a key question Professor Biagini raises on page 11 of her report How Do School Libraries Help Pennsylvania Students Achieve Academic Success? And that is the question for your Final Project for INFO525. Using your educational experiences, the literature we have provided and the literature you have added for reflection, expand on the suggestions and responses given on pages 11 – 12. Nine possible actions are given along with concrete examples, but there can be many more. Summarize your recommendations for “What school library advocates can do to help students benefit from a good school library program and may help a wider audience understand the value of a good school library program. “ You may build on and add to those items listed.

    Your final project response should be six to eight pages, double spaced, including citations and single spaced bibliography. Use tables and bullet points whenever possible. You may single space within tables and bullet lists. Always cite the relevant literature that supports your recommendations. Draw from your pool of literature assigned for the course, as well as the articles you have explored from School Library Research, School Library Monthly, School Libraries Worldwide, Knowledge Quest and others.


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