Household Resource Assessment

    Household Resource Assessment
    The assignment requires you to prepare a household resource assessment. It can be for your home, or
    another house that you have access to (e.g. parents). There are a number of parts to the assignment,
    designed to develop some of the important capabilities required to tackle real world opportunities for
    reducing pollution and increasing resource efficiency. In essence, the exercise is also a pilot for the
    project you will be undertaking for an external organisation.
    First, the ‘household scoping exercise’ focuses on the importance of developing understanding of
    existing conditions. If we are to develop achievable, effective, and ultimately significant improvements,
    we must understand existing conditions. Your task here is to examine the key functions being
    performed in the household that have significant resource use and pollution implications; and examine
    the resource and waste streams required to sustain these functions.
    Second, the ‘resources and wastes assessment’ focuses on quantifying resource use and pollution. In
    this task you will consider all relevant focus ‘inputs and outputs’ associated with your house. We can
    assume that issues associated with solid waste, water and energy are the predominant matters (noise
    from parties and/or odours and air emissions from ‘home brewing’ initiatives can be ignored for the
    purposes of this stage of the assessment). For each of these three issues you will be required to make
    a detailed assessment of one element each; eg for solid waste you may choose to focus on your
    composting. Note: no matter which element is chosen for energy, as well as assessing energy use,
    you will also assess the related greenhouse gas emissions.
    Finally, you must present ‘recommendations’ to reduce the environmental burden of your household.
    For recommendations to be implemented by decision makers (partners, family, co-sharers, building
    managers) they must be supported with evidence. Your task here is to present social, economic and
    economic arguments to support your proposals. As a demonstration of your ability to justify your
    proposals, you will choose two proposals and provide their justification – which should include
    consideration of relevant local/State /Commonwealth policies, and of the economic costs and benefits
    of your recommendations (by calculating pay back periods).
    For the first part of semester we will be doing targeted activities in class to assist with each component
    of the household assessment. The knowledge, skills, and creative ideas that you develop and refine in
    this task will be critical in the execution of the major group assessment task, the Sustainability
    Management Plan. You should therefore use the household assessment task as a training and proving
    ground for the major assignment. Discuss your questions and ideas with peers and teaching staff.
    The report you will produce has three parts –
    Part 1: Household Scoping Exercise
    Prepare a resource and waste assessment of a residential dwelling.

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