HOSP 3033 Property Operations: Sustainable Operations Approach

    In recent years most businesses have been striving to minimize their environmental footprint driven by increased cost and environmental concern. In a response to this consumers and regulatory entities are demanding that hotel operators make an effort to minimize the environmental impact of their lodging operation. Doing so correctly will have a positive ecological, environmental and financial consequence. This includes reducing the use of water, maximizing the efficiency of your electrical use and a reduction in heat/cooling cost as well as minimizing the waste generated by the operation, without affecting guest comfort.


    You are the new property operations manager of the Xavier Hotel. The GM has called you in to her office to inform you of new directives of the company and the need to become more sustainable. The GM tells you that you need to review the operational efficiency of the hotel and make recommendations to meet the new environmental standard set by the corporate office.

    So to do well on the GM’s new assignment you should include a reasonable dollar value associated with all proposed upgrades for cost savings.

    For example: If you save 15 gallons per person per day with your improvements for the 400 rooms which are occupied 72% of the time with 1.4 people per occupied room, how much is your annual saving in gallons and dollars?

    Water costs $6.23 per 1000 gallons


    The areas of focus:


    Describe in detail what you would propose to the GM to do with the property to increase efficiency, and reduce waste for the following categories:

    1. Discuss the reduction in gallons used per occupied room i.e. what is a normal usage per person and how can it be reduced.
      1. What steps can be taken to reduce usage structurally i.e. changing fixtures.
      2. What water saving programs can be put in place for both guests and employees to follow?
      3. What would the subsequent savings be on an annual basis in dollar$?  Give the GM a calculation of your proposed changes and how much will the hotel save on an annual basis.
      4. How much would the changes cost for all 400 rooms?




    1. Electricity is used for: lighting, vertical transport (elevators), pumps, refrigeration and multiple facets of HVAC.
      1. What can be done to systematically maximize the efficient use of electricity without affecting the comfort of the customer? For example, change out inefficient light bulbs, outdated equipment, preventative maintenance etc.
      2. Calculate the proposed savings in the reduction of the cost of electricity based on the cost of updating equipment or labor to do preventative maintenance.
      3. Include the return on investment (ROI) made to improve efficiency.
      4. ROI = (gain from upgrade – cost of investment) / cost of investment




    1. Hotel operations generate large amounts of garbage and other waste. The cost of sending one ton of garbage to a landfill is approximately $100 in RI. Any reduction in the amount of garbage generated will go directly to the bottom line.
      1. What systematic approaches can hotel managers take to reduce the amount of solid waste?
      2. How do procurement procedures affect solid-waste creation?
      3. What is the benefit of waste recycling in dollars and how does it affect guest perception of the hotel property?
      4. What might guest demand hotel operators do to minimize waste?





    • The assignment should be done as a response to the GM in a research supported format (introduction, body and conclusion for each topic).
    • Address the three category topics: water, electric & solid-waste under separate headings and answer the questions as detailed above.
    • Use MLA guidelines in terms of proper in-text citations, proper works cited and paper format.
    • A minimum of 3-industry sources are to be referenced (such as journals and industry/professional websites).
    • STRONG CAUTION: You can reference a source and use quotes to form your argument, however direct CUT & PASTE of material without proper documentation will result in a ZERO grade.
    • This assignment must be submitted through Turnitin on the due date. The assignment will not be accepted any other way.

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