Home school versus Public Education OR Online versus Traditional Education

    Home school versus Public Education OR Online versus Traditional Education

    Write a compare and contrast essay on one of the topics above. The elements of the essay should include:

    • An introduction paragraph, which includes your thesis statement
    • At least three body paragraphs
    • Appropriate transitions within and between paragraphs
    • A conclusion paragraph

    The essay must analyze at least two subjects by comparing their similarities, contrasting their differences, or doing both.

    A good compare and contrast essay will usually have the following characteristics:

    • The two subjects are related in a meaningful way and have enough in
    common to be compared or contrasted.

    • The essay should be written to help readers make a decision or understand
    the subjects being compared or contrasted.

    • The essay should make use of parallel points of comparison or contrast.

    • The essay’s thesis statement will identify the subjects to be compared or
    contrasted and what is to be learned from doing so.

    • The essay provides an opportunity to present material using logical

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