HIUS 221 quiz 4 complete solutions correct answers key

    HIUS 221 quiz 4 complete solutions correct answers key


    Question 1 How did Benjamin Franklin view the Constitution?

    Question 2 Why did Shays’ Rebellion give additional impetus to those hoping to reform the Articles of Confederation?

    Question 3 As a result of the economic, diplomatic, and political crises of the 1780s,

    Question 4 What does Amendment Four prevent?

    Question 5 In the case of a tie vote in the Senate, who casts the deciding vote?

    Question 6 Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for becoming President of the United States?

    Question 7 According to the Constitution, how is the number of Representatives for each state determined?

    Question 8 Which is most likely NOT a reason that the Federalist position ultimately prevailed?

    Question 9 The first sentence of the Constitution states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” The words “insure domestic Tranquility” may have been a reference to

    Question 10 What was the Newburgh conspiracy?

    Question 11 Many Anti­Federalists were concerned that the Constitution did not

    Question 12 What motivated the Confederation Congress to print paper currency?

    Question 13 Even after the Constitution was ratified, the votes of which two states were nevertheless considered essential?

    Question 14 Each of the following men was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention EXCEPT for

    Question 15 Which of the following events happened first?

    Question 16 What caused the trade deficit with Britain after the Revolution?

    Question 17 Why did Republican leaders decide not to challenge President Washington in the 1792 election?

    Question 18 According to the text, by 1880, “sporting the ‘wrong’ type of ornament on one’s hat in the streets of Philadelphia could easily trigger a riot.” What does this example reveal about citizens of the United States in its early years?

    Question 19 In what way did James Madison argue against the chartering of the Bank of the United States?

    Question 20 With the rise in partisan politics in the 1790s, what tool was professional politicians such as John Beckley willing to employ?

    Question 21 Which of the following was a major theme of President. Washington’s Farewell Address?

    Question 22 Agreements in Jay’s treaty ended conflicts between

    Question 23 All of the following statements are true about the Federalists, EXCEPT that the Federalists

    Question 24 Thomas Jefferson felt that the creation of the Bank of the United States was

    Question 25 The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest against the policy that was initially proposed by

    Question 26 All of the following statements are true with the election of 1800 EXCEPT that

    Question 27 According to the video presentation, it can be said American produced the Constitution rather than the Constitution producing

    Question 28 According to the video, who was the leader of the faction who opposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention?

    Question 29 According to the video presentation, Citizen Genet came to America to

    Question 30 According to the video presentation, which of the following groups sympathized with the French, although they disagreed with the excesses of the Revolution?

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