
    a) Who were chief victims of the Reichstag Fire (2/1933)? How did the Nazis use it to suspend the constitution?
    b) In March, 1933, the German parliament passed the Enabling Act. Why is it considered to be the end of parliamentary democracy?

    c) According to a judge, Dr. Hans Anschütz, what happened to the judicial system during Nazi Germany?
    d) In June 1934, in an event called, the Night of the Long Knives, why was Hitler dissatisfied with a leading Nazi, the SA leader, Ernst Roehm, and his supporters, especially General von Schleicher? How did the SS (elite guards) gain as a result of this event?
    e) Colonel von Fritsch, commander in chief of the army, was dismissed in 1938. Hitler then made himself commander in chief of the armed forces and established control over the military. According to Fritsch, how was the relationship between the army and the SS?
    f) In a speech in 1934 at the Nuremberg Party rally, Hitler portrayed the role of women in the new Germany. What special qualities did he attribute to women? What differences did he see between men and women?
    g) According to Jill Stephenson, what was the place of women in the Nazi movement? What does she mean by “a split personality” and “separate development”? B. What evidence does she provide for the argument that most women were not genuinely enthusiastic about the Nazi party?
    h) In contrast to Stephenson, Claudia Koonz points out that women, like men, supported the Nazi party. Why did women then support this overtly misogynist movement? How did they create their own space and what role did they render to the party?
    i)Between Stephenson and Koonz, whom do you agree more and why?


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