history short essay Custom Essay

    This is the history final test. The textbook for the class is Schaller, American Horizons: Concise Edition, Volume 2, Oxford UP, 2013. It requires specific points in

    each question. One question needs one and a half page. Thank you!

    The second section will be a short essay section, where you should aim to write three to four complete paragraphs.

    4) Compare the counterculture movements of the 1960s with the mass social conformity of the 1950s. In what ways do you think the counterculture movements were a

    response to social changes in the post-WWII period?
    5) Compare the conservatism of the Nixon era with the dominant conservative politics of the 1980s. Be sure to mention any key differences between the Republican Party

    platforms as the policies changed over time.
    6) Choose one of the following administrations: FDR, Lyndon Johnson, OR Reagan. How did this president and the congressional administration during his term shape

    public domestic policy? Foreign policy? With what affects for future administrations? (Tip: Be objective here. You are to use historical analysis and not your own

    personal political opinions.)

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