History of Systems of Aristotle

    History of Systems of Aristotle


    Term Paper Proposal
    Develop a two page Proposal for a term paper on Aristotle. Follow the outline provided below. Submit your Proposal in WORD DOC format.
    History and Systems of Psychology
    Working Title (this may change as you develop you paper):
    What is purpose and objective of your paper? What do you want to reader to learn about your topic?
    Personal Interest
    What is your interest in this topic? Why did you select this topic to present to the rest of us?
    In APA format list a minimum of five peer reviewed journal articles or appropriate texts related to your topic. Wikipedia and generitic web sites are not acceptable as references
    The Term Paper will examine one specific psychological principle of human behavior from an historical perspective. For example, you may review specific principles, and associated topics of behavior, such as theories of learning, cognition, psychopathology, functionalism, or structuralism. Include the contributions of an historical person(s) instrumental in the development of the principle examined in the term paper.
    It is expected that professional academic and peer reviewed scholarly journal articles will be primarily used. The number of references must be 5 which may include no more than three (2) online webpage references (does not include full-text professional articles located on line) and three (3) text books. Papers will not be accepted that primarily review well known theorists such as S. Freud, C. Jung, B.F. Skinner, C. Rogers, etc.
    The goal this assignment is to learn more about psychological concepts and individuals that are important within the history of psychology. The emphasis is on the history of your selected topic.





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