History of Art from Middle Ages To Modern Times help! 4

    All of the indigenous cultures that we have explored this week were at one time discovered by European explorers who often collected traditional art objects to take back with them to Europe as curiosities. Theseobjets dartinspired collectors and artists alike and opened the Western world up to new ideas new cultures and new art forms.
    This is part 2 of a two-part assignment and spansWeek 3 and 4. Imagine that you are one of these intrepid European explorers who has set out to discover and collect the traditional art forms created by the five cultures we have learned about this week.
    As you travel and collect two works created by the indigenous cultures from each of these regions. You will collect:
    As you travel and collect two works from your five cultures you need to document some important field notes that will help you to explain what these treasures are upon your return home. These field notes need to include for each object:
    Assignment Instructions
    Submit your effort byTuesday April 25 2017 to theW4: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Name your document as follows: LastnameFirstInitial_W4_A2.doc.

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