History and Political Science

    History and Political Science

    Slave Community

    This film, “Sankofa,” directed by Ethiopian filmaker Haile Gerima, depicts life on a slave plantation in the Americas. The film addresses some of the themes that you are reading about in Chapters 3-7 of your textbook, The Struggle for Freedom. You will need to view this film in order to write your first short essay. The instructions for your short essay are listed below. If you have problems viewing the film, you can search for it on youtube. The film is 148 minutes, so be sure to watch the entire movie. I think the last scene is deleted from the link. I will try to locate the scene and post a link. If you search for the film on youtube, search for “Gerima Sankofa”.
    Theme: Slave Community
    Short Essay 1 is based on the film, “Sankofa,” by Ethiopian filmmaker, Haile Gerima. The film is a vivid depiction of slavery in America. The film is an excellent example of how historical lessons can be taught outside of the classroom through films, songs, plays, poetry, etc. Your textbook discusses a lot of the themes that are portrayed in the video, especially Chapters 4-7 in The Struggle for Freedom. You will essentially watch the movie for accuracy. Short essay 1 will allow you to compare the movie to your textbook.

    The video is included in the link above. However, you can also search for the video on youtube.

    In a 1-2 page short essay, address the following question:


    How does the film address the following themes:

    1. The theme of Sun-down and Sun-up (compare movie to The Struggle for Freedom, pages 162-169);

    2. “Becoming African Americans” (compare movie to The Struggle for Freedom, pages 87-94),

    3. African cultural survivals (cite evidence from the movie of Africans maintaining aspects of their traditional cultural practices);

    4. Sexual exploitation (compare movie to The Struggle for Freedom, pages 77-78);

    5. The psychological effects of slavery (cite evidence from the movie of the psychological impact of the slavery experience); and

    6. African resistance (cite evidence from the movie of resistance to slavery).
    Cite specific examples from the movie and specific information from your notes and textbook.
    Briefly discuss one of the main characters from the film. (Shola, Shango, Nunu, Noble Ali, Joe, and Lucy) What theme from the of slavery experience did the character most represent from the list above? For example, did they represent community, becoming African Americans, mechanism of control, cultural survivals, or more than one of these and other themes? Explain.

    What were some of the most interesting scenes from the film? Why?


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