
    Paper instructions:
    Select ONE of the following questions and write a concise essay that directly responds to the question being asked. Develop a typed, double spaced and proof read minimum 6-7 page essay, 1″ margins, 12 font and page numbers. Remember to support your opinion with persuasive evidence from class reading assignments. Argue your point with conviction; like a lawyer in a courtroom! A thesis is a controlled argument. A thesis is a statement that reflects what you have concluded about specific topics based on critical analysis and interpretation of the source materials you have examined. A thesis is NOT a question or announcement about what topic you are examining.

    Use the following format if you decide to use resources beyond class material: Author, Title of book, article,or web site, Date published, page #_s. Place citation at end of paragraph. Underline your thesis statement. POST your essay on “Turn It In Link” located on “Assignments” webpage.

    1. What impact did the rise of the Market Economy and Westward Expansion have on American society between 1820-1860? Provide at least Three specific examples of how various social groups and classes were impacted and discuss which group benefited the most and least and why. (Use Davidson text, my lectures on Market Economy, class online links and “My Bondage, My Freedom” as possible sources)

    2. In 1866 a famous Confederate general complained that the South lost the Civil War because the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was an inept leader. Do you agree with this assessment? Can the reason(s) for the South losing the Civil War be placed more on individuals and their actions, structural flaws in society or the overwhelming power of the Union military? In your answer discuss fully the various reasons given for the South losing the Civil War. In your opinion is there one factor that explains why the South lost the Civil War? (Use Davidson text, my lecture on Civil War and the pdf file essays & documents on the Civil War for sources)

    3. Discuss how THREE specific Supreme Court decisions between 1790-1877 shaped the United States’ economy, social relations and politics. Summarize specific court cases and analyze their impact and significance. Which case do you think is the most important? Why? (Use Davidson text and any Supreme Court online case links or library data bases that provide a summary and analysis of the cases )

    4. Discuss what impact the development of the United States between 1790-1877 had on gender relations. Analyze how gender relations were shaped by the economic, political, and social-cultural structures of the United States. (Use Davidson text, online links used in this class, and the pdf files used in this class from 1790-1877. Consider gender experiences related to different social class and races. Or perhaps consider regional experiences or differences over time between 1790-1877)

    5. A major irony in American history is that between 1790-1865 Democracy and Slavery coincided with each other and shaped the economic, political, and cultural-social structures of American society. Discuss. (Use Davidson text, my lectures,online links, and certainly “My Bondage, My Freedom”)

    6. Discuss the Reconstruction Era (1863-1877). In what ways was Reconstruction a failure and in what ways was it successful at achieving its goals by 1887? Why is it important to understand this era in American history? (Use Davidson text, Lesson 13 Links and my lecture material on Reconstruction Era.)


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