Historic Site Reflection Paper

    I need someone to help me with this and I need it in 12 hours from now. I will be providing you with the website of the historical site I have to visit so you can get information about this site so you can write about it. and there will be the place’s website on the bottom of the page and in the second link there will be a virtual Tour you can see the place so you can have enough information to write this 2 pages.





    Visit one local historic site that is of relevance to this course and is new to you this visit will expose you to another vehicle for history and also illuminate some local history from the time periods that we are studying. Visit this site at a time that suits your schedule. Be sure to allow enough time to visit the site thoroughly. Talk to the staff at the site. call or check the website for the most current information. After visiting the site, write a two pages reflection paper on your experience. This is NOT a research paper. 


    Think about: 


    What is the site interpreting?  


    How effective is the interpretation? 


    What did you learn?


    Did you enjoy the Visit? (you can like it or dislike it)


    You can use the first person on this paper.






    the place is called: Monocacy National Battlefield









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