Hi As you will find from the file which I attached abou

    As you will find from the file which I attached about assignment instruction for market research report . Then you will find 4 requests which have to write but just you have to write about Q3.
    Which is related about what are the attitudes of the target group towards porridge and the different proposed Flavoured toppings. And then you will find the data which I collected for questionnaire about attitudes and compared by group (year of study and age). Our focused for 1 year.
    Please you will find all the data for questionnaire and then now you have to analysis data considering on the following question and all you have to use sometimes excel chart.
    3. What are the attitudes of the target group towards porridge and the different proposed
    Flavoured toppings?
    What I am request from you to write related to the question above
    Data analysis:
    Recommendations Conclusions & Limitations:
    Executive Summary: After you finish the above request please then start write 10 lines executive summery.
    You have to write about this from 4 to 5 pages.

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