Hi KimHere are the files again please re do the essay and I will pay as soon as

    Hi KimHere are the files again please re do the essay and I will pay as soon as you finish I prefer you do it tomorrow the same time and please do not include any out sources you can use the power points only that will be under what I have wrote I really liked your first work and it was my mistake that I havent posted one of the power points please I need good work thanks a lot Kim.I also have uploaded the first essay that you have made it.Here is what we agreed before to illustrate what I want:I have a prompt which has couple of questions you need to answer them all and write the answers as a story. I have posted the prompt and the resource where you can answer the questions from the resource which is 2 power points please do not include answers out of the resource I have included ( the power points ) It needs to be from the power points if not In wont accept it. It needs to be 3 paragraphs or 4 at least one whole page and the maximum is 2 pages no more.

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