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    package fibonacci;
    * @author Me
    public class FibbonaciHW { static int count = 0;
    public static void main (String [] args)
    int lim = 1024;
    for (int n = 1; n to a program that for each
    integer n ranging from 1 to 1024 computes the value of this recursive function F(n):public static int F(int n)
    if (n == 0) return 1;if (n%10 == 0) return (F(n/2) + F(n/5));
    elseif (n%6 == 0) return(F(n/2) + F(n/3));else return(F(n/3) + F(n/5));
    } where k/m denotes the
    integer division (for example 11/2 = 5 10/2 = 5 10/3 = 3 9/3 = 3
    etc.) and k%m is the remainder of integer division k/m (for example
    11%2 = 1 10%2 = 0 11%3 = 2 10%3 = 1 etc.)and counts its own worst-case running time measured by the number of calls to function F.Your assignment is to convert the said program onto a complete and
    running (under NetBeans 7.1) program that for every size of integer n
    ranging from 1 to 10 computes and outputs the worst-case running time T(n)
    (measured by the number of calls to function F) of F.Requirements:1.
    The resulting program must be 100% your own work (given the program
    linked above) with no collaboration/help of any kind with others.2. The size
    of input n is the number of bits needed for representation of the value of n excluding
    any leading zeros. (Hint: the size of n = (int)Math.floor(Math.log(n)/Math.log(2))+1 3. The actual
    running time of the program is measured by counter count that
    counts the number of times that the function F is called.4. The
    program must print its own worst-case running time T(size) as a
    function of the size of input (NOT of the input n itself)
    together with the actual numeric value of T(size). (Hint:
    If different inputs n of the same size result in different number of
    calls to method F then the maximum of the number of said calls yields
    the value of T(size).)5. The only methods that your program is allowed to use are those that
    you have coded yourself and those in java.lang.Math.You should also resolve any technical/implementational issues that
    arise while completing this project.

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