hello first off I stated reading your post and was drawn in i did however have t

    hello first off I stated reading your post and was drawn in i did however have to really read and examine i want to try to understand you numbers . When you say therapies are you not including any chemicals (med). I dont understand the difference with the 28% attendants are post medical treatment what kind? Then the 68% of them were career people in established work places how do they fit in Where they taking therapies. The 56% were regular attendants of therapies I get them while 44% were not regular attendants but where taking.correlation is the act of or relation of two are more things(www webdictionary.reference.com) Which you are showing with different groups of people.I see isolation and the need for it to be mixed with something do you? When looking at isolation there are so many areas it coves health and aging we see that the disconectedness and mental health and physical So maybe they could go together what do you Think

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