Healthcare Commissioning (Critical Appraisal)

    ?Each student will be randomly assigned two posters to critically appraise. You will gain access to your selected posters.

    In terms of structure, I recommend the following:
    An introductory paragraph about commissioning and stating your aims for this assignment (about 750 words).
    Next, a section titled ?Critical Appraisal 1?.
    Under this section, you should first describe the poster ? what is the commissioning scenario that has been presented?
    Then critically evaluate it by…
    providing your opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the poster (stick to content ? do not appraise the presentation quality)
    How could the posters? content be applied towards a real healthcare commissioning service? What lessons can be from it?
    What theoretical and/or practical aspects of the healthcare commissioning process have not been included that are important?
    Linking/relating what has been included on the poster with what you have learned about healthcare commissioning
    Then, start a new section called ?Critical Appraisal 2?, and do the same kind of critical appraisal again.
    Both critical appraisals should be around 1000 words each
    Then, a conclusion paragraph, in which you summarise what you have written and offer any final thoughts (approximately 750 words).
    Then use the recommended Harvard style of referencing for the University
    If you do not get your references right, you will definitely be penalised.
    Remember, this is one document comprising of two appraisals total word count is 3500 words.

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