Health sciences and medicine Electronic Software Application

    Health sciences and medicine
    Electronic Software Application
    Research Project must contain at least 500 typed words. Be sure to site all references appropriately.

    Can natural language processing be helpful to outpatient coders? Explain in detail your point of view. Detail the pros and cons if any. Reference at least three vendors/systems using NLP for coding.

    NLP is a supporting technology that holds a great deal of promise for assisting in further automation of the coding process. It also faces a huge challenge because of the complexity and variability of human speech. However, new NLP products are beginning to emerge in certain medical arenas, such as emergency medicine.

    To validate the claims that an NLP system can improve coding accuracy, 3M Health Information Systems designed and performed a study of ICD-9-CM and CPT to determine how a NLP technology system matched up with real-world coders. To determine whether an NLP automated system was as accurate at assigning ICD and CPT codes to emergency room records as experienced coders, the researchers evaluated 328 emergency room charts using both the NLP system and the experienced coders. The study results indicated that in the specialized arena of emergency medicine, the NLP system compared favorably to actual coders in assigning ICD and CPT codes.


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