Health sciences and medicine

    haematology and transfusion science: (Subject area: White cells and leukaemia) “WHO has taken over the classification of acute leukaemia? Discuss”
    Deadline: 2013-10-23 1:09 AM
    Time left: 9 days 21h 58m
    Status : available
    Number of pages: 3
    Cost per page: $5.00
    Total: $15.00
    Created: 2013-10-13 1:08 AM Level: Degree Grade: Guaranteed 2:1 Standard (Normal Charge);
    Pages: 3 Style: Harvard Country: [United Kingdom (GMT 0)]
    Sources: 8 Language Style: English (U.K.)
    Project description
    this assignment is for haematology and transfusion science module. please use good English. and use harvard referencing style. please I need to get atleast 60 in thhis assignment.

    Referencing Requirements:
    Maximum limit 3 sides A4, using font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. please use mostly the articles but use some books aswell.
    that the page limit is 3 sides of A4 , using 1.5 line spacing and a 12 point font size. This limit relates only to the text of your essay – the reference list and any diagrams/tables are NOT included in the 3 page limit, so you are allowed as much extra space for them as you need.

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