Health sciences and medicine

    Health sciences and medicine

    Journal assessment

    Project description
    To begin, assess your personal wellness by completing the Assessment Activity 1-1: Lifestyle Assessment Inventory on page 27 of your course textbook. Write out your results and answers from these questions so it is easier to reference them within your journal (space to write your answers is included within the assessment). Additionally
    In your journal, examine the effects of certain lifestyle factors on your wellness and think critically about your overall wellness by addressing the following comments and questions below:
    • Describe the seven dimensions of wellness listed in the text.
    • What did you learn from the assessment that surprised you?
    • What are your three weakest dimensions of wellness?
    • How do some of your lifestyle factors lead to these weaknesses?
    • What are your three strongest dimensions of wellness?
    • Which of your lifestyle factors led to these strengths? Explain how.
    • I have learned that wellnes is__________________.
    • Think of one way you can improve one of your weakest dimensions of wellness. Write it down and note your progress throughout the week.

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