Health Care and Life Sciences

    Health Care and Life Sciences
    Paper instructions:
    In order to complete this project you will need to choose one client from across the lifespan. If you do not have access to a client across the lifespan in your current practice setting, then you may find an individual in your personal life to assess as needed. Once you have selected your client, you may proceed through the assessment as indicated below in Required Components of your paper. 6-8 pages not including cover and reference page. 3-5 references. APA format.

    The overall objective of your Final Project is for you to examine the social, cultural, economic, and political factors that impact on health assessment across the lifespan.Required Components of Your Project Paper

    1. Clear Introduction of your client including, demographic information; family status; socio-economic status; support systems, etc..
    2. Assessment of Your Client
    o Discuss at least two social factors that are impacting the health of your client. Be certain to specifically state how those factors positively or negatively affect your client’s health.
    o Discuss at least two cultural factors that are impacting the health of your client. Be certain to specifically state how those factors positively or negatively affect your client’s health.
    o Discuss at least two economic factors that are impacting the health of your client. Be certain to specifically state how those factors positively or negatively affect your client’s health.
    o Discuss at least two political factors that are impacting the health of your client. Be certain to specifically state how those factors positively or negatively affect your client’s health.
    3. 2 nursing diagnosis statements for each assessment factor (social, cultural, economic and political) that you would apply to this client. They should include both actual and potential nursing diagnosis.
    4. Clear Summary statement which should include a teaching/learning statement (if required) and/or recommendations on how to live a healthier life-style.

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