Health Care and Life Sciences

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    Assignment part One: This assignment supports the following objective(s):
    • Prepare persuasive, informative, or entertaining written documents and visual presentations
    Assignment overview

    For this assignment, develop a rough speech outline based upon your chosen field of study.
    • A 2-page speech outline draft in Word.
    • Include the proper file naming convention: GE205_wk1_assn2_jsmith_mmddyyyy
    Assignment details:
    Begin developing your speech outline in draft form only. In this outline, brainstorm your ideas as to the
    direction you wish to take in your speech. Decide whether this speech will be informative or persuasive
    and include this in the outline draft. Also, begin searching for support for your speech using LIRN and the
    Internet. This is a “brainstorming” type of search. You do not need to use all of these sources in your final draft of your speech, but share at least 2 of the sources you review this week in your outline draft.
    Hints: Follow the sample Outline in your course Resources as a way to begin developing your individual
    speech. Also, review the Speech/Presentation Rubric this week to get an idea of what will be critiqued
    when you finalize your speech video presentation. Remember that talking about what you know and are
    passionate about, makes the speech easier to write, as well as present. Most importantly, your final
    speech due in Week 5 will only be shared with your instructor.
    Gradable items in assignment Points
    A fully developed speech outline – rough draft 25
    Content is organized in a discernible manner 10
    Grammar, spelling, punctuation is error-free 5
    Correct formatting – double-spacing, times new-roman, 12pt font 5
    Two sources, at minimum, are listed 10
    Total Points 55
    Assignment Part 2:
    This assignment supports the following objective(s):
    • Prepare persuasive, informative, or entertaining written documents and visual presentations
    Assignment overview
    For this assignment, develop paraphrases, summaries or quotes for no less than two resources, and
    create a references page (APA Style) for these resources for your written speech, which is due in Week 4.
    • A 2-page document in Word.
    • Include the proper file naming convention: GE205_wk2_assn2_jsmith_mmddyyyy
    Assignment details:

    Last week, you began searching for resources to help support your speech topic. While you may have
    found many sources that you think would work in your speech last week, this week, you finalize your
    choices of source materials and summarize, paraphrase, or quote the materials. The resources you find
    this week will be the resources you cite in your final written speech document and in your video
    presentation. In your 2-page deliverable this week, summarize, paraphrase, or quote your sources on
    page 1 and list the references on page 2 in proper APA Style. Use no less than two sources in your speech that help to emphasize a point, support a statement, or provide further information on your chosen career field.

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