Health Care and Life Sciences

    You are to locate, read, and comment on the paper assigned to you. It is recommended that you read
    your paper several times. Answer the following questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. It will take at
    least multiple sentences to answer each question properly (for most a paragraph or two will suffice).
    Prove that you carefully read the paper and thought about it!! The assignment must be typed and
    represent your own work. Your assignment is due via Blackboard before your scheduled lab start
    time, any assignment turned in after this time will be subject to the grade decay that is outlined in the
    course syllabus.


    1. In your own words, summarize the paper in 300 words or less, addressing the following points. (5

    2. What led the author(s) to write this paper? Describe gaps in scientific knowledge that the work
    presented in this paper was trying to fill. What new lines of thought or types of experiments are
    suggested by results of the paper? Where do we go from here? (3 points)

    3. What are the potential applications of this paper to other fields of science? Can you see ways that
    the information in this paper could be useful to the general populous? Why or why not? (3 points)

    4. Were there areas or subject matters that were not touched upon that should have been? Are there any
    gaps in the paper’s experimental design? Can you suggest any additional experiments that would have
    improved the paper? Does the paper make any unreasonable or unfounded assumptions? (3 points)

    5. What did you like about this paper? What did you not like about this paper? Is there a particular
    figure or diagram that really helps the paper? Is there one that should have been omitted? Do you feel
    that the paper was well written? Feel free to make any other comments about the paper. (3 points)

    6. Pick one physiological principle or phenomenon that is discussed in your paper. Now, write about it
    as if you were explaining it to a person that did not have a background in science (i.e.,Pretend that you
    are explaining it to a person in the 8th grade).

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