Health Care and Life Sciences

    Over the lifespan, the development can be different for all groups. Considering the groups of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school age, adolescents, early adults, middle adults, and the late adults write an essay about someone in your life that is in one of these groups. No names please. The information I want in this essay is what the changes are biologically, psychological, emotional, social, behavioral, and spiritual/meaningful for the age group of your subject. I want you to tell me in your research what psychologist say for each of these types of changes should happen to your subject. Then you need to talk about the actual changes your subject has gone through. There is no minimum words, but I want all of this covered in your essay. This will take research other than your book. Make sure you cite your work. Save the essay as a word document and upload it here. You can have no more than a 25% similarity rating.

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