Health and Culture

    Consider your strategies for getting healthy or staying healthy. In a 4-6 page paper, answer the following questions:
    1) Whom do you consult for health information? (examples- parent, doctor, pharmacist, religious figure, literature, friend, etc.).
    2) How does culture shape how you receive and interpret information and communication about health, disease, and illness?
    3) What strategies do you use to get well? How did you learn these strategies? (examples- eat particular food, take particular supplement, use medicines).
    4) Is there a social cause of illness or disease? What role does social stigma play in whether we do or do not seek treatment
    5) What do you think getting sick says about you as a person? Does this depend on symptoms? (example- cold, fever, diarrhea, sexually transmitted disease, heart attack).
    6) How does our culture value health in general?

    Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.
    Use APA format for citations and references

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