HC1041 IT for business Scenario (1500 wrods) You have b

    HC1041 IT for business
    Scenario (1500 wrods)
    You have been asked to explore three database alternatives for a merchant who provides shoes to retail stores. The merchant needs the database to keep the financial records employee records inventory records and general use records for the business. Answer the question below :
    Identify three database systems and discuss the purpose for choosing these three options .
    Pick only one of the above database systems and discuss the Hardware and software components require to run it.
    Discuss the costs involved in implementing the database.
    Discuss other factors which the business should consider before implementing the database.
    Provide sufficient citations throughout and matching reference.
    Overall impression of the report.
    You are expected to provide citations for every piece of information you include in your report. Any pictures used other than ones you created should be citied. Any information on computer systems hardware etc should be cited. You will lose mark for not providing citations.

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