Hazard Analysis and Emergency Planning for Torre del Greco, Italy

    Hazard Analysis and Emergency Planning for Torre del Greco, Italy

    This coursework is designed to develop your knowledge of the holistic hazard analysis process, consider the assessment of hazard, vulnerability, and risk, critically consider the emergency planning for a Vesuvius crisis and consider techniques to develop resilience. At Masters Level, you are ?Mastering? techniques. You are reminded of the need to read extensively and evidence this through citation and referencing.

    Section A: Risk Analysis for Torre del Greco

    Provide a Hazard Analysis report for one of the Municipal Authorities, Torre del Greco. Use the Hazard Analysis Process (Pine 2009) as the hazard management framework for structuring your answer. Identify the different factors that affect risk around Vesuvius from the patterns of data, producing and justifying the following:

    (1) Hazard assessment for the different types of hazards,

    (2) Vulnerability assessment, And . this paper is good to be use for this point
    (Chester, D.R., Dibben, C.J.L and Duncan, A.M., 2002. Volcanic hazard assessment in western)
    Europe. Journal volcanology ND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 115 (3-4) 411-435

    (3) Loss estimation.
    As part of the exercise, also identify further information needs.

    Section B: Emergency Planning

    Briefly describe the current regional emergency plan for a Vesuvius crisis, and critically assess the plan for the Torre del Greco municipality. Pay close attention to the past eruption size and the size of the eruption that has been planned for, the factors that affect risk perception and behaviour, the degree of success of existing risk communication schemes, and the suitability of the existing plan.





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