Gun control safety and statistics on deaths by police with guns, accidental gun deaths, and deaths by guns(homicides)

    Prepare a three to five (3-5) minute written speech based on the preliminary work you have done in class. Gun control safety and statistics on deaths by police with guns, accidental gun deaths, and deaths by guns(homicides) 

    Write your goal as a single sentence. 

    Follow the Action Steps. Outline the speech, making sure to acknowledge outside sources (the outline will not be graded).

     Focus on content, organization, and presentation.

    Criteria for Evaluating Speeches

    A. Content: speech goal, high-quality information, variety of developmental material, appropriate visual aids, adaptation

    B.  Organization: introduction, conclusions, meaningful points, clear transitions

    C.   Presentation: language clarity, vividness, emphasis, enthusiasm; vocal expressiveness, fluency, spontaneity, eye contact, pronunciation, articulation, poise, posture, gestures, pronunciation, articulation, poise, posture, gestures

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