Guests of the Sheik

    Respond to the following question using 750 words (no less than 700; no more than 800). Provide a word count.
    • Your review should consist of well-structured responses, each complete with a thesis, supporting material, a conclusion, etc.
    • Proofread your draft carefully. We will grade on grammar, spelling, and typographic errors; and also on structure, logic, and coherence.
    • When citing examples from the book, try to avoid direct quotes. Instead, write about the examples using your own words and cite the page number in parentheses.
    Imagine you were a college student in the 1950s. In taking an anthropology course, you recently read the book Guests of the Sheik. While talking to a friend, your friend tells you that it must be terrible to be a woman living in Arabic countries, like Iraq. Compared to here, women there are so repressed. How might you respond after having read Guests of the Sheik? Do you mostly agree or disagree? Use specific examples in your response.

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