Group Development Application Paper

    My future career is Director of School and The question is

    Group Development Application Paper (50 points) Students will develop a plan for leadership utilizing groups.
    In your current/future career setting, design/develop a specific, concrete, workable plan for utilizing

    Include the following: 1) Introduction to description of the career setting for which this is designed; 2)
    Justification of utilization of a group in this setting for the designed purpose listed (5 research articles
    included about best practices related to leadership and group – there is a Library Guide link on this course
    site or search scholarly articles on Google or Yahoo) 3) Your specific plan. Include the group theory or
    theories utilized, and how you would organize this group (structure, background factor considerations, your
    leadership/followership style, stages of development such as how you would structure the “forming” stage of
    the group, decision making approaches, etc. — what you need to consider as you begin this group; 4) a
    personal reflection about what you learned from the development of this application project .Design a plan
    that could be utilized by you or by an entity in your current/future career setting. **This will be your
    review/study document for the comprehensive exam. Based on the text and what you have learned in class, what
    would be the essential elements of information (EEI) from this course? I recommend including those components
    in this common assignment for your future reference and review.

    This is an individual and practical application of the group development information, is designed to be
    practical and applicable in the particular career setting, and is a personal development approach to the
    leadership component of the Human Development and Leadership master’s program. Utilize the ideas you learned
    from the leadership education group project you developed with your group (with the fishbone exercise).


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