group behavior in organizations

    group behavior in organizations
    Identify a generic organization (e.g., manufacturing plant, hospital, educational institution). You will use this same organization in your Final Project. Assume that you are part of a research team examining work groups in the organization to determine factors that enhance or inhibit group productivity. Identify what factors you would examine in your research and provide a rationale for your choice

    this is what I had put down that I would write about,
    I think I could use my current employment for this research, sales manager in retail. A key factor I would research would be, what are the weak and the strong points of each team member. Knowing what a persons strong points are gives me an edge in figuring out what task best suites them. Knowing the weak points gives me a starting point to retrain the team members. Another key factor I would research would be to study the sales numbers of each member, this will tell me who could use extra sales training and who could help lead the other team members. Being part of the research team I would have the ability to learn what products are in the high margin range, and what products that are costing the company money be not selling and needing reduced in price. I would then look into the top high margin items, and train the team members on how to sell these items more than others.

    Group observers are not always participants. It may be clear that the observer is a visitor (as in studies of corporations, hospitals, and medical schools). The observer may be relatively aloof from the group, tape-recording, taking notes, or even sitting behind the glass of a one-way mirror. Methods of coding group behavior and member interaction may be highly structured. At our work place, we use the secret shoppers to help determine how well our sales team is and what they need help with.


    Losh, S. (2011). Group behavior in organizations.section 2.4 San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

    this is what the instructor post about this writing, James, this is a good start. Please be thinking about how you can translate or aggregate individual data into group data for purposes of analysis? 

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