Grant Proposal. Describe your current educational setting, including the age of children (0-2, 3-5, or 6-8), number of children you work with, and the philosophy of your education setting.

    Grant Proposal


    Throughout this course, we have been discussing becoming the Whole Teacher. One of the five pillars of becoming the Whole Teacher is to find ways to encourage child-centered active learning. As we learned through our conversations in the discussion forums this week, two elements that contribute to the development of this type of learning environment are the physical and creative aspects of the classroom. In your assignment this week, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how to foster a physical and creative learning environment that promotes child-centered active learning by completing a grant application.


    At the monthly administrator’s meeting for ABC Early Childhood Center, the regional director shared with you a grant opportunity for early childhood centers to receive a grant of $5000 to remodel your center to stimulate physical activity and promote creativity for your students. The regional director encouraged you all to apply and you have decided to take them up on their suggestion and complete a grant application.


    In your grant application:


    • Describe your current educational setting, including the age of children (0-2, 3-5, or 6-8), number of children you work with, and the philosophy of your education setting.  You can base this either on the education setting in which you are currently working or you can create a fictitious center. (.5 points)
    • Design the classroom environment that you would create with the grant money that is based on developmentally appropriate strategies and tools to promote optimal cognitive development and learning in young children.  To create your illustration you may use Classroom Architect (Links to an external site.), Scholastic Class Set-Up Tool (Links to an external site.), or Kaplan Floor Planner (Links to an external site.). Attach a copy of your classroom design to your grant proposal. (2 points)
    • Discuss how the design of your classroom environment aligns with Figure 1.1 from the text and is supported by current research about optimal classroom environments. (1 point)
    • Explain how the environment you have created would promote optimal physical development and learning in young children in each area of your classroom. Use specific examples from your illustration and research to support your decisions. (1.5 point)
    • Explain how the environment you have created would encourage development of the creative self in young children in each area of your classroom. Use specific examples from your illustration and research to support your decisions.  (1.5 point)
    • Summarize how the grant money will help you to ensure you can create a learning environment that promotes child-centered active learning and 21st-century skills. (2 points)


    Research and Resource Expectations:


    • Source Requirement (.25points): 
      • At least two scholarly peer-reviewed sources
      • At least one professional credible source


    Writing and Formatting Expectations:


    • Title Page: Must include a separate title page with the following:
      • Title of paper
      • Student’s name
      • Course name and number
      • Instructor’s name
      • Date submitted
    • Academic Voice (.25 points): Academic voice is used (avoids casual language, limited use of “I”, it is declarative).- please follow direction for this?
    • Purpose and Organization (.25 points): Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
    • Syntax and Mechanics (.25 points): Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
    • APA Formatting (.25 points): Papers are formatted properly and all sources are cited and referenced in APA style as outlined
    • Suggested Assignment Length (.25 points): This assignment should be four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages).

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