Government mandated vaccination programs for school childrenEssay

    Evaluate current government mandated vaccination programs for school children; whether it is in public’s best interest to have legislator’s who don’t know medicine mandating policy that directly affects how clinicians treat their patients.
    Paper that looks at the vaccine theory, for instance, high titers = immunity, and whether our government has the right reasons to have compulsory vaccinations for school children based on research mainly done by the manufacturers of said vaccines. Examples: How ethical is it for manufacturers to be involved in policy making, such as Merck with the state mandates trying to make HPV vaccine mandatory for girls to attend school? government vs. individual autonomy. What is the evidence that many vaccines come out to market with out being properly tested, resulting in unsafe vaccines. What are clinical cases, court cases, etc that show evidence to propose that vaccination policy in USA should be re-examined in light of new evidence in immunology that doesn’t support our past reasons for mass vaccinations. Also how ethics need to play a bigger role and how dangers may outweigh benefits in some of today’s vaccines like flu vaccine.

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