Government Budget Issues


    School (HCC, LS, or something simple) GOVT 2305 or 06: e.g. HCC GOVT 2305

    Title (This is not a creative writing class; keep it simple and do not BOLD)


    This format is to be used on all papers in this class. The purpose of these papers are to

    train you be able to be concise when answering questions; all topics will be quite broad and you

    could easily write a book on the topic, but research all that you can then form, and state your

    opinion quickly (“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made

    of.” And “Time is money.” – Ben Franklin). Use Verdana 10 or Arial 10 for the fonts. 1-inch

    margins (Justified Margins recommended), single-space name, class, and title; double-space

    body. Use Chicago Style 1 if you use direct quotes, and still give credit if you are paraphrasing 2 .
    The best place to start would be the Citizens Against Government Waste site: and do a search for any current issues only from the last few years: eg 2013 or newer. DO NOT discuss military, social security, medicare, medicaid, or ACA (these items account for about 80% of the budget). purpose of this is to dig deeper than the nonsense on the news. If these items are discussed automatic 10% reduction. Tell me what you would cut from the budget and why. you may go over multiple issues or you can choose to focus on one issue which you will have to dig even deeper with. MUST HAVE 3 SOURCES.

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