
    The essay must have no fewer than 600 words. You may write more if you wish.  You MUST include a word count at the end of your essay. (I recommend you write the essay on your word processor then copy it and paste it into the submission area here on the discussion assignment. You can get the word count that must be included at the bottom of your essay from your word processor.)

    Discuss ALL of the following:

    Where you are from, your education so far, your plans for further education, your career goals, your level of interest in government and politics, your general history of involvement in politics and government, how you think government and politics affect your life, and if you are party affiliated with a political party and why.

    Tell us where you're from and a bit about your home and how it differs from living here (if not from here).

    Tell us who your most admired public figure is and why (contemporary or historical). Also, state who would be your least favorite public figure and why (also contemporary or historical).  It need not be a political or governmental person but it must be a public figure (and not, for instance, your grandmother or third-grade teacher).

    Lastly, discuss what one or two public policy issue is most important to you.  (For example (and you are not limited to nor required to cover each or any of these issues; they serve as examples or suggestions to discuss): The economy, climate change, the environment,  racism, Mr. Trump's wall along the border, his Muslim travel ban, the Russian hacking of the election, crime, abortion, education policy, immigration policy, abortion, etc.)

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