Governance & management

    Order Description
    use this book to write essay about the question(Jonas & Kovner’s) Health Care Delivery in the united states by Knickman & Kovner)(11th edition, chapter 14 & 16)
    please write number of pages next to each citation.
    here is the questions

    Some policy-gurus identify “governance” as one of the important factors related to patient care. The ownership structure of an organization relates to how good the services are, and how happy or content are the consumers.
    Many of you have worked at different facilities over your career. Has the governance structure of the organization made any difference in the care of patients, or the attitude of nurses at that facility, or the consumer contentment?
    Are all these types of facilities the same in patient care, or are there differences? how does the governance structure of an organization impact the customer satisfaction? Do you expect better quality services at one of these, and worse at others?

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