Gordon Rule Assignment 1

    You’ve learned that it was important for African-Americans to attempt to retain their African musical traditions in America. In order to do so, they had to compromise, finding ways to blend their musical practices with European values regarding music, religion, and society.


    You’ve also learned about the incredible hardships Africans faced traveling against their will to America. Unquestionably their journey was frightening beyond belief. Because they were not allowed to take possessions with them, how important do you think their musical traditions became to them on their journey? What did their music mean to them in a foreign land?


    Have you ever been in an unfamiliar, frightening, or disappointing situation? Did you perhaps seek familiar music for comfort? Did music help you through those moments? Briefly describe a situation in which you may have sought music as an antidote to disappointment, or as magic to enhance a particular moment. What music did you choose? Does that that particular music still have a similar affect when you hear it now?


    Instructions: Your paper should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs, double-spaced, written in 12 pt font, and must conform to MLA guidelines. Do not use extra spaces between paragraphs.


    Important Hint


    If you plan to type your answer directly into the text box, we highly recommend you use a word processing program. (PC users: You may use WordPad or NotePad. Mac users: You may use TextEdit.) Please make sure you save your work as you go along. When you are done, CUT and PASTE your answer into the empty box. That way, if for any reason you lose your internet connection in the middle of typing your answer, you won’t lose all the work you have done up to that point. Only use the Comments area for comments to your instructor, not for submitting your assignments.

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