Good man do not exist in O’conner story

    ·         Style:  MLA

    ·         Number of pages:  5 pages / double spaced (1375 words)

    ·          Number of source / references:  4

    Order instructions:

    The 4-6 page research paper will be on (A Good Man is Hard to find by Flannery O'conner) I have provided for you on a attach file. You are writing to prove a point about the piece of literature I choose, NOT to be informative. If you write an informative paper, you will fail. My paper should include 4 sources, including whatever work you write about (your primary source). All sources should be academic or scholarly in nature (ie in Cliff Notes, Wikipedia, Spark Notes, Monkey Notes, etc.). You will need to identify all sources properly on the Works Cited page and credit them within the paper using in-text citations. We will be using MLA style only. Please make sure you do not have too many quotations from outside sources. The paper should be comprised of your own writing using the sources to back up your own thoughts. This paper will be submitted via Safe Assign, which will check for plagiarism. I have already provided the topic and thesis statement for you on a attach file.O'conner) I have provided for you on a attach file. You are writing to prove a point about the piece of literature I choose, NOT to be informative. If you write an informative paper, you will fail. My paper should include 4 sources, including whatever work you choose to write about (your primary source). All sources should be academic or scholarly in nature (i.e. no Cliff Notes, Wikipedia, Spark Notes, Monkey Notes, etc). You will need to identify all sources properly on the Works Cited page and credit them within the paper using in-text citations. We will be using MLA style only. Please make sure not to have too many quotations from outside sources. The paper should be comprised of mostly your own writing using the sources to back up your own thoughts. This paper will be submitted via Safe Assign, which will check for plagiarism. I have already provided the topic and thesis statement for you on a attach file.

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