Global Warming Swindle





    Global Warming Swindle

    The Great Global Warming Swindle is a controversial documentary film that questions the scientific consensus in relation to anthropogenic global warming. It asserts that the much publicized global warming that is caused by man is a modern day swindle by scientists. According to the documentary, the opinion of the scientists has been funded by factors relative to politics. Political factors are seen to be the main source of funding for the global warming notion. Economists, writers and scientists, are among the professionals in the film who support these claims. The film therefore, takes a contradictory view to the social norms.

    Causes of global warming as viewed by scientists are filled with many scientific flaws and scientific establishments only have stakes in acquiring money for research purposes. The film argues that the climate change phenomenon is a global industry worth millions of dollars established by complicit politicians, environmentalists who are against industries and scientists hungry for research money. Evidence on global warming is deemed inconsistent and contradicting with issues such as the variations in the rates of warming, temperature changes and oceanic mass, impact of carbon dioxide on the rate of climate change and many other factors.

    The political factors driving these issues are ideology and beliefs, stakes and government funding for the research of global warming and climate science. Some of the claims are true as some scientists rely on the political support to push their agenda and ideology, but the generalizations are questionable. However, the film seems to be only one-sided using incorrect representation of the rates of global warming. Some of the claims are also misleading with no proven facts to substantiate the claims.

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