Global Threats

    Global Threats
    Nuclear war! Terrorism! Hunger epidemics! Disease epidemics, including AIDS! These are examples of the complex minefield of threats faced by the nations of the world. Impacts were felt on environmental, political, military, and economic levels. Alliances were hard-won and easily forgotten as the world braced itself for the dawn of a new century. As alliances changed, so did the threats that went hand-in-hand with those international relationships. Decades later, the world continues to feel the effects of this era.

    Evaluate threats faced by the world and their lasting effects today.

    To prepare for this Discussion:

    • Review Chapter 33 (pp. 533–554) and Chapter 34 (pp. 556–574) in the course text.
    • Review all articles from this week’s Learning Resources.
    • Take into consideration what your responsibility is as a citizen of the world regarding global threats and international relationships.
    • Reflect upon the types of threats that people face in the 21st century and how they differ from those of the past.

    • Call to mind the groups and/or nations that pose physical threats to others. How are they a threat? Why?

    • Draw from this week’s reading and reflect upon the unlikely alliances that were created and if they were formed under duress or necessity.

    • Consider the correlation between threats to certain nations and international relationships. What is the connection between threats and relationships in the local communities?

    • Think about how the world is still feeling the effects of the threats of this era.
    With these thoughts in mind:
    • Paragraph 1: Evaluate what you believe are the top three global threats up to 1995.
    • Paragraph 2: Assess how these threats have altered relations among the nations of the world.
    • Paragraphs 3–4: Assess how these threats have altered relations among your own community.

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