Global Political Economy

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    Global Political Economy
    The policy paper should be about Cuba opening up to foreign direct investment liked talked about in this article

    The paper should be angled into how cuba can make it better. you can angle it in the way you want to .

    This is the guidelines the professor has sent out. take a look at the examples to get a sense of how it needs to be

    are the promised specifications regarding the final policy paper, of the kind
    usually published by think tanks or other political consultancies as they try
    to give advice on policy-making to political decision-makers. For this policy paper (or, more
    precisely, “policy brief”, as the short versions are usually called) I want you
    to take a current news article, which introduces a political problem that is
    relevant for Global Political Economy, as your point of departure. It should be
    an article from 2014, in English, and from a respectable media outlet (NYT, Guardian, Economist, etc.).

    should then use analytical frameworks, concepts and/or theories that we’ve
    covered throughout the semester in our course to analyze the problem (or challenge, as policy wonks prefer
    to call problems) identified in this news article (section 1). The objective,
    however, is not to lead a theoretical/academic debate, but to provide insights
    on what the political causes of the problem are, and why there has been no
    solution so far. You can, of course, bring in your own ideas and outside

    analytical part should lead to a section that develops and discusses policy
    options – two or three political responses/decisions that would address the
    problem identified before (section 2). This should involve a discussion of the “trade
    offs” each policy option involves – different choices have different (dis-)advantages,
    costs and benefits, and create different winners and losers. It also concerns time
    horizons: one option may be cheap + easy in the short run, but less effective
    in the long run, another option costly + difficult in the beginning, but more
    effective in the long run.

    you should evaluate the different policy options and come up with a policy
    recommendation – an argument about which policy should be adopted by the person/organization
    you’re writing your policy paper for (section 3). You can choose freely who you
    want to “work” for as a policy consultant – a political leader, the head of an
    NGO or an international organization, the CEO of a company – just watch out
    that, in section 1, you make it clear why/how the issue you focus on is
    relevant for your specific client. In this part, I will mainly evaluate your
    analysis of the political feasibility of
    your recommendation – what are its chances of becoming implemented? Is there
    enough support for it, and/or how can sufficient support be mobilized?

    the very end, you should condense your whole paper into an executive summary
    that will precede your policy paper.

    of this should comprise 6-8 pages:

    Summary (0,5-1 page)

    (1 page)

    Analysis (2-3 pages)

    Options (2-3 pages)

    Recommendation (1 page)

    Here are three examples of
    policy papers you can look at, simply in order to get a feel of the structure
    and the style of such publications (they don’t always follow the rules I’ve
    given you above – notably, they don’t always discuss political feasibility):


    The ECFR looks at the EU’s
    sanctions policy:



    The IIE advocates for a
    multilateral investment agreement:


    The IIE analyzes currency

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