Global Integrated Marketing Communications


    Global Integrated Marketing Communications

    Please read all instructions and information carefully.  You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment Regulations.  Your individual assignment must be handed in to the Learning Resource Centre, in the library, with an accurately and clearly completed Assignment Cover Sheet.




    Learning Outcomes Assessed



    Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated




    1. That they can critically understand the emerging global marketplace and the role of global integrated marketing communications within it
    2. That they can critically understand the integrated marketing communications theory
    3. That they have an understanding of how marketing communications strategy and tactical planning contributes to organisational strategy




    1. That they can communicate effectively
    2. That they can apply the theories, concepts and techniques of marketing communications management.






    The Context for this assignment is Football, specifically the English Premier League.


    You are required to submit a professional report that demonstrates your ability to meet the learning outcomes of the module.  You should select an organisation within the above context, as a basis for your report.  This Organisation should promote themselves in at least two different countries (for instance, your home country and the UK).



    You are required to:


    • critically evaluate the IMC practices employed by English Premier  League Football Clubs to reach a specific target market within the two countries selected


    For example, you should consider:

    • Identification of the target market
    • Identification of the key messages
    • An evaluation of the appropriateness of the messages to the target market
    • An examination of the marketing communications tools and media used
    • identification of the key similarities and differences of the marketing communications in the two countries selected and reasons for this
    • How the communication activities are helping the organisation achieve their objectives


    • identify the key challenges of practicing IMC and discuss to what extent there is evidence of IMC being practiced


    For example you should:

    • consider the key issues impacting upon the organisation’s ability to practice IMC (e.g. factors in the internal and external environment)
    • identify and utilise an appropriate academic model to measure the level of IMC evident


    • Make recommendations on further use of the tools/media


    For example you should recommend:

    • how the organisation might utilise tools and media to overcome key issues and/or become more integrated in their approach to IMC.



    The report should draw on relevant theories of marketing communications and IMC and their use, or lack thereof, within the practices of the Organisation selected.  You should include examples of the messages/communications in your assignment. This report is likely to be discursive in nature and thus include references to appropriate academic

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