Global company strategic audit

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    Global company strategic audit
    Description of work
    Using the strategic audit inventory from the textbook ( I will include PDF of textbook to use as a source) each student will write a report following the instructions below. The assignment involves the strategic investigation of a Multinational Company, possibly publicly held, and listed in the ?Fortune 500? 2012 report. This is a global competitive analysis of a corporation. The following link may help find the company you wish to research about: You may choose any firm that is publicly traded on the international stock market and that is listed on the Fortune 500 report. It is important that in the project the firm?s data is provided in form of vital statistics: e.g.: its industry or industries the company operates in (including NAICS code; ISO 9000 ), product or service, size, legal form of business, organization chart etc? The report must also provide important information about the countries the company it operates in if it operates outside the United States? The firm?s strategy and overall success should demonstrate that the company being investigated is the ideal enterprise to work. The report must be prepared in your own words and it should include all possible information following the strategic audit inventory but not limited to the following:
    1. Introduction of the company
    2. Detailed Statement of Purpose of the firm
    3. Management strategic planning to include its ?intent, formulation, implementation, and control
    4. Vision, mission, future accomplishments
    5. SWOT analysis
    6. Financial analysis of at least five years applying all possible financial ratios
    7. Company culture, social responsibility, ethical standards, etc.
    8. Why did you choose this company? What is so special? The earnings potential, the benefits, career growth, recognition, appreciation, flexible working environment, friendly and diverse, etc?
    9. Identify and summarize what made this company successful in attracting the best employees
    10. Other important components students wish to add?
    Your assignment to be submitted as instructed by the professor as follows:
    1. Prepare a written strategic analysis about 8 pages long, double spaced plus cover page and table of content page excluding tables and figures**, typed in ?Times New Roman? font size # 12 using APA style. Appropriate citations with a ?Reference? section at the end of the paper are required. **A maximum of 2 tables and 2 figures may be included in the project. Each table or figure cannot occupy more than ? page of space meaning you can only use up to 2 pages.
    2. Table of content to follow the cover page; content items must be numbered according to the page
    3. All pages must be numbered on the right hand top corner except the cover page
    4. All citations must be typed at the end of the paper titled ?References?, foot notes or end notes will not be accepted
    5. Cite the NAICS code. You may look up the correct code at: You must also include any ISO certification in the company description section if applicable.
    6. Provide as many relevant information as possible

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