
    1-You are supposed to write a ?Narrative? of 3 pages (single line) following the style of the given sample article uploaded here as ?Seeing Global? where the author

    writes as if he is a traveler and experiences the things that change his thoughts and learning step by step.
    2-The key aim and the touchstones of the narrative should be your personal theorizing and perspectives on, what it means to be global, to be a citizen, and to be

    educated i.e the ?GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION? after reading the uploaded files ( No plagiarsm)
    3- The Narrative draft has three stages, early, middle and final or third).
    I had written an early draft already as ? First Narrative Draft ( Uploaded here) that shows my personal views before attending this course of Global Citizenship


    With this stage of writing which is middle of the narrative draft, your task is to see what were my views on the first day of the course that I have uploaded here as ?

    First Narrative Draft? .. you need to develop the 3 pages of the narrative in continuation with my previous thoughts
    demonstrating changes, additions and reworking of my earlier thoughts. [YOU MAY MAKE ANY SUITABLE CHANGES IN MY EARLY NARRATIVE DRAFT IF YOU FEEL THAT IT CAN WORK


    This middle part of the Narrative Draft you should explain your perspective separately as Global/ Citizenship/Education and in concert with each other as ?Global

    Citizenship Education? as well, taking on a new set of meanings.
    The narrative will then become an edifice of the learning from the readings and the other uploaded files.

    4-The key in this piece of narrative, unlike the scholarly essays that will draw heavily on the works of others, is to develop a narrative of experience that orients

    their thinking about these topics in a way resonant to oneself. Questions you might consider in framing this response include:

    (Q-A)- How did I come to see myself as part of the mutually interdependent planet? When were these insights most prevalent in my thinking and when do they recede from

    my attention?

    (Q-B)- How do I understand myself as a citizen, at multiple levels of scale?

    (Q-C)- What does it mean to be educated? How did I develop this perspective about the nature of learning, thinking, knowing and being? How has it changed?
    5-As you have been writing on my previous orders at best-essays on various topics of Global/ Citizenship/ Education, you must have gone through many readings before

    also that I will be uploading here. It will be easier for you to complete the narrative
    6- My final Narrative order must be drafted by you only as you have worked on the middle narrative draft here
    The final or the third section of the narrative will be a reflective piece wherein you will consider how your thinking has changed and to what degree over the readings

    of the course. I will give you further directions for the third or final Narrative Draft in my next order

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