Global Business Law

    “The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a response to the recent failures of global trade talks. It was meant to be a ground-breaking new agreement by placing 12 economies under a common set of economic norms and regulations.”
    What impact could the TPP have had, and may still have, on Global Business Law? Discuss. “

    2. Stick to the word limit of 2,000 words. Check the word count (Under “Review” in word) and when you do make sure that the box at the bottom which includes footnotes or endnotes is NOT ticked. If it is, your word count will include footnotes and you will not get an accurate word count.
    3. Submit only in electronic format through “Assignment submission”. Check the Similarity Index of Turnitin and that you have referenced correctly.
    Learning Objectives
    The Learning Objectives for the Essay are 1, 4 and 5.
    LO 1: provide an overview of the present domestic and international arrangements for the regulation of international business
    LO 4: identify and outline the role of international courts and tribunals in which international business law issues may be resoled
    LO 5: Critically evaluate emerging and contemporary policy issues in relation to the regulation of business.

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